23 Feb 2010

brick by boring brick

I actually began this blog in a very vague place, whinging about how boring my weekends are. then I realised I had just had an amazing weekend. I also am planning on going to one of my favourite places this weekend (Malaney and Ludwigs German restaurant!)

I spent this weekend in both a state of extreme hyperactivity as well as a state of unconciousness.


it pains me to admit this but up until this weekend, I was a music festival virgin. I have seen many a various gig but never an all day festival. let me explain.

i have never had a strong desire to go to blues and roots, good vibes, future music, splendour and even big day out. to be honest, the pull was never enough to outweigh the costs which until recently would of taken a few weeks savings.

but soundwave always outweighed the cost, but until this year i have not been able to go.
the first ever soundwave festival I was ready to go. i had a ticket, i had my timetable, i had sunscreen. then i woke up with a crippling case of tonsilitis. for those unaware of my terrible immune system, it was the fourth time in 6 months which i had gotten the illness and due to this doctors would no longer give me antibiotics. needless to say I spent the blistering hot day in bed asleep.

the next year rolled around, as i rolled off a bus and broke my collarbone. as much as i love to do stupid shit, jumping up and down in a pit with a broken bone was not my idea of fun.

by the third year my spirit was just about broken. but i was determined. then the lineup came out. nothing. for $150. as a final year uni student, working part time AS well as doing an unpaid internship 3 days a week it just wasn't feasible.

but this year...


not only did alexisonfire, paramore, afi and motion city soundtrack play, but so did JIMMY EAT WORLD! Everyone that was so exhausted from the day, got up and danced to "the middle". it was worth the sunburn, dehydration and total exhaustion which resulted in my comatose questionably hungover state. (no alcohol consumed the whole day)

Hayley Williams made me want to cry with how good she was. George Pettit made me a little faint when he ripped off his shirt. And Davey Havoc confused me with how good looking he was but still put on an amazing show. and the Creepshow made me go to JB Hi Fi the next day and buy their album.

it was an amazing weekend spent with great friends (and complete strangers). Lizbot and I fought our way to the front of paramore and the semi front of alexisonfire. Manfriend and I cuddled for AFI and TBS. What can I say, we love a good acronym. And then I hung back OUT of the pit for ADTR. It wasn't worth the kicked in jaw, like manfriend.

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