16 Apr 2007

No more swing

in the big scheme of all of blog land.
my blog is like an infinte speck. that in no doubt will become lost in cyberspace one day. probably soon. as most things i begin do.
its not that i dont like to do things anymore. i just forget about things easily.
for instance. i have been playin the trumpet since year 2 and ever since finishing school 2 years ago it has been an increasingly irregular occurence for me to pick it up. but only because its new place of storage is in a corner of my room, where as before it would generally be in my doorway from where i dumped it and my school bag when coming home. The fact that i used to trip over it on an average of 3 times a day generally reminded me to pick it up and play.
So until a random moment generally bought on by boredom it remains motionless the only thing hitting its keys are the dust that is collecting. this saddens me. but it happens to everything in my life.
the only hobby i have managed to stick with is netball.
LIE! i stick with all my hobbies. just very sporadically and my levels of commitment vary.
for instance. this week i am convinced i am going to takeup swing dancing as i saw a flyer pinned to a notice board at uni today. i am determined to go.

i probably wont.

no big skirts, goregous hair and polka for me.

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